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Mary Rounce Attends the Red Carpet Premiere of "Head Games"

Posted by Phil Nielsen on May 16 2012 at 02:06PM PDT in 2011-12

Mary Rounce from Team Chicago Academy-Santos was in impressive company on Tuesday night as she attended the Red Carpet Premiere of the new documentary “Head Games” by award-winning documentary film maker Steve James. James is probably best known for his movie “Hoop Dreams”.

“Head Games” takes a critical look at the issues surrounding brain injures suffered in both professional and youth sports. Mary and her mother Laura star in the film as they share their story about Mary’s concussions from playing elite youth soccer. The movie also has footage from a Team Chicago Academy-Santos game at Midwest United last fall with cameo appearances by AJ Jakuszewski, Caitlin Tabilog, and Talise Romain.

After the screening of the movie Mary and Laura were joined on stage by former Women’s National Team star Cindy Parlow-Cone, Ryan Nowinski (former All-Ivy football player and WWF star), Isaiah Kacyvenski (former NFL star), Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins front-man & self-avowed “wrestlemaniac”), Alan Schwarz (Pullitzer Prize-nominated New York Times journalist), and the film’s director Steven James for an hour-long Q & A session with the audience. The athletes on stage shared their stories of dealing with concussions and concussion-related symptoms.

The movie will be released shortly. For a view of the trailer, please click on this link http://vimeo.com/headgames/trailer


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